Arequipa It is the third most populated metropolitan region in Peru, it is the second most populated city with 861,145 inhabitants. Arequipa is the second most industrialized and commercial city in Peru. Its industrial activity includes manufactured products and camelid wool products for export. The city has close commercial ties with Chile, Bolivia and Brazil. Arequipa became very important for its economic prosperity and its loyalty to the Spanish Crown. Its historical heritage sites, natural and cultural landscapes, make the city a national and international tourist destination.


 More information about Arequipa

Dia 0:Traslados aeropuerto / hotel / aeropuerto en Arequipa

Dia 1:Arequipa -City &Country Full Loop& Santa Catalina

Dia 2:Tour Arequipa -Chivay 

Dia 3:Tour del Valle del Colca - Arequipa 

Dia 4:Hora indicada para tomar su vuelo. Traslado al aeropuerto

                          AREQUIPA 3DIAS – 2NOCHES

Dia 0:Traslados aeropuerto / hotel / aeropuerto en Arequipa

Dia 1: Arequipa -City &Country Full Loop& Santa Catalina

Dia 2: Full Day Valle del colca - Arequipa

dia 3: Hora indicada para tomar su vuelo - Traslado al aeropuerto.


RUC: 20536415719

Lima 36  - Perú

Phones: +51 998369722
